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Although Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is well known as a neuro-developmental disorder affecting 5-10% of children worldwide, people are often surprised to learn that it also affects at least 4.4% of adults as well.


As ADHD expert Russell Barkley explains, the problem with ADHD isn't that you don't know what to do; it's that you don't do what you know.


ADHD (also known as ADD) is a brain based disorder that affects an individual’s ability to regulate their executive functions. Managing these goal-directed, future-oriented functions helps us to control, organize, plan, maintain and coordinate our behaviours, actions and thoughts. Think about it...if you have difficulty self regulating, then you'll run into trouble when something in your environment (a teacher, a presentation, a lecture) requires your attention. How will you attend to it when your self regulating mechanism isn't working properly or consistently? Something else might temporarily grab your attention and since your self regulation is compromised, the timing for bringing your focus back may be unreliable and unpredictable. 

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 Did you know that
ADHD looks
women and men? 

Adults with ADHD can have difficulty following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organizing tasks, or completing work within time limits. Because the ADHD brain makes it hard to manage these difficulties, behavioral, emotional, social, vocational, and academic problems frequently develop. Too many adults with ADHD suffer from anxiety, self blame, perfectionism and social isolation, often turning to unhealthy solutions in their attempt to better manage themselves. There are better, more positive, ways to live with ADHD. As Dr. Edward Hallowell, the author of the groundbreaking book Driven to Distraction says, "...ADHD is neither a disorder, nor is there a deficit of attention. I see ADHD as a trait, not a disability. When it is managed properly, it can become a huge asset in one’s life."


If you’re wondering if you have ADHD you can take the ASRS here ( and speak with your doctor. Although some adults don’t meet the criteria for ADHD, if their struggle with a number of executive functions is preventing them from meeting their goals, coaching can be a useful tool to help them develop strategies, insight and resources  in order to move forward with greater confidence and success.


knowADHD is 'coaching informed by ADHD' because what works for someone who doesn't have ADHD usually doesn't work for someone who does.   


You've probably heard of a number of treatment options for ADHD. Some have studies to prove their efficacy while others are considered alternative. Without scientific evidence, clinicians may dismiss them out right. That wouldn't be wrong but it may be wrong for you. Ultimately it's about finding what works for you. Speak to knowADHD to figure out which of these ADHD interventions is right for you: cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, neurofeedback, martial arts, mindfulness, psychoeducation, psychotherapy, sports, yoga, fish oil, supplements or computerized working memory training programs. 



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